Spørgsmål til sundhedsministeren, fra Sundheds- og ældre udvalget, d. 23. Okt. 2018. Spørgsmålene er stillet efter ønske fra Stine Brix (EL) og Rasmus Nordqvist (ALT).
Fra raport om børns rettigheder i bio-medicin fra 2017, bestilt af Komitéen for bio-etik ved Europarådet.
Spørgsmål nr. 52 (Alm. del), til Sundhedsministeren og besvarelse heraf.
Spørgsmål nr. 53 (Alm. del), til Sundhedsministeren og besvarelse heraf.
"Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people worldwide. We scrupulously investigate abuses, expose the facts widely, and pressure those with power to respect rights and secure justice. Human Rights Watch is an independent, international organization that works as part of a vibrant movement to uphold human dignity and advance the cause of human rights for all.
Human Rights Watch is an international organization with staff in more than 40 countries, and offices in Amsterdam, Beirut, Berlin, Brussels, Chicago, Geneva, Goma, Johannesburg, London, Los Angeles, Moscow, Nairobi, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto, Tunis, Washington DC, and Zurich."
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"Intersex people are not rare, but they are widely misunderstood. Biology classes often oversimplify a fundamental reality. We are taught that sex is dimorphic: simply male or female. But sex, in reality, is a spectrum—with the majority of humans appearing to exist at one end or the other. In fact, as many as 1.7 percent of babies are different from what is typically called a boy or a girl. The chromosomes, gonads, internal or external genitalia in these children—intersex children—differ from social expectations. Around 1 in 2,000 babies is different enough that doctors may recommend surgical intervention to make the body appear more in line with those expectations."
Fra introduktion til rapporten: “I Want to Be Like Nature Made Me” Medically Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Children in the US.
Intro samt online version af rapporten kan findes ved klik på link herunder.
Link til PDF version, herunder
Denne rapport er udarbejdes i samarbejde med Interact - Advocates for Intersex Youth
"interACT uses innovative legal and other strategies, to advocate for the human rights of children born with intersex traits."
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